lunes, 25 de mayo de 2009

"The destructors" by Graham Greene

The author of this short story, Graham Greene, makes this short story one of the most intelillent I have ever read, I don't find the story very interesting but still, I think is great.

A boys' gang named the "Wormsley Common Gang". T. Makes a plan to destroy an old man's, Mr. Thomas ("old misery") old house just because he thinks it's beautiful. While Mr. Thomas is away for the weekend.

I think this short story is very intelillent because it makes the reader interested all the time with different details and types of humor. It makes you think a lot with the descriptions, this is very important to make it good. Specially with the description of the main character, Trevor (T.), it is amazing how the author descrives this character without telling you his descriptions. What I mean is that we know how trevor is because the author descrives his actions and the way he and the gand do it and the reason they do it.
It makes you know that Trevor has problems and is very mentally affected by his childhood with wars.
The autor uses black humor to descrive the characters and he uses irony to show how the kids do things very organized and in a very inteligent way, in a way you woldn't imagine a boy's gang would do it. But the reason they do it is what shows the reader how they are not normal.

I would recomend anyone to read this short story and I would say is an interesting story to discuse and and it makes you realise some of the things we do and may be why we do it.

Luis Dominguez.

lunes, 11 de mayo de 2009

Funny Bush hu and annoying devil


what's up juan, is emiliano, I didn't saw your presentation, so I can guess that if these people think that you are the man to go and watch the glaciar by yourself so be it.I think you deserve it, but instead of the other guy you are going with, Cristobal should, don't you think so?I guess yes. I wish you the best of luck, bang at least one of the chiks in that boat ok?

This is a comment of a student, it is very funny because he did this comment during class and of course it has not appropriate language for putting it for every one to read it in front of the teacher. The funniest part is “I guess yes”.

lunes, 20 de abril de 2009



  • Nombre Masculino de origen Germánico.
  • El guerrero glorioso, combate glorioso o guerrero preclaro.
  • Naturaleza Emotiva:
    Naturaleza emotiva y clarividente. Se expresa por medio de la perseverancia, la concentración, la suficiencia y la clemencia. Ama lo oculto, lo que es y puede ser. Le gusta sentirse admirado.
  • Naturaleza Expresiva:
    Es minucioso. Se expresa de manera de llamar la atención y se siente superior. Busca la prosperidad y la realización. Ama la ejecución, la planificación y aportar ideas.
  • Talento Natural:
    Es mente de pensamiento convincente. Se expresa como pensador de alta responsabilidad moral, espíritu conservador y apego a la vida de las comunidades. Consecuente y diligente. Recibe aumento en las actividades que requieren de la acción, de la amistad, de la sociabilidad y de la urbanidad. Ama, educa y embellece, no tanto en su propio bien como en el de los demás.Podría destacar en profesiones como médico, enfermero, músico, asistente social, arquitecto, decorador de interiores, cocinero o profesor.
  • Número de Suerte: 3

lunes, 16 de febrero de 2009

journey's end

The warfare trenches were used in many war like the world war 1. These are used for staying during the war. In this place the soldiers slept and had their supplies. The trenches are underground and there are beds and places to eat etc. They are underground for protection because there they can be safer from the attack of the enemies and it has corridors also to move in your territory without getting shot. The trenches had problems like water in the floor. This is a problem because their feet got infected because they couldn't keep their feet dry. also because the boots where old and were broken. also there were rats and it wasn't clean.
In front of the trenches there were spiky wires and sand bags also for protection.

miércoles, 21 de enero de 2009

Emo diary by: Luis

October 23, 2007
I woke up today and did the normal things to go to school but when I was getting into the car my dad discovered the scar on my arm and he started screaming at me, now he doesn't want to talk with me unless I stop dresing and acting like I do. He wants me to stop being what I am!
My mom keeps buying me happy coulored clothes though she knows I'm not going to wear them. I have to save every penny I get and I have to work basicly to buy the clothes I want to wear.
In school lots of kids look at me as if I had three eyes or something, I hate people looking at me as if I was a freak, and there is a man that works in the cafeteria and keeps putting cheese in to my food and he knows I hate cheese.
No one talks to me exept my friends and they are like me.
I am tired of my life, I hate my life!

lunes, 12 de enero de 2009


I personally think that the Emos are people who want attention but they haven't got it in their live so they start becoming emotional, because they don't have attention they are used to suffer and when they become Emo they try to have attention by suffering. That is why they use sad and dark colours, they cut theirselves and some of them are suicidal, they also like to cry and they cover half of theiselves with their hair as if they were ashamed of them.
I don't really like the Emos but I also don't understnd them so I think they have the right to be Emos and racist people shouldn't treat them bad.